- An estimate is a value close to the exact amount
- An estimate should be easier to find than an exact number
- An estimate is quick way to get an idea of about "how much"
I. Ways to Estimate
- Estimate by ROUNDING: Choose a place to round to-- use the dig
it to right of the chosen place-- if the digit to the right is 5 or more "raise the score"-- if the digit to the right is 4 or less "let it rest"--numbers to the right of the place being rounded become zeros. If you are have trouble rounding watch the video at this from Math Playgroud
- Estimate by CLUSTERING (when adding): When adding values that are close together, use one number to represent the values and then multiply that number by the quantity of values that have been clustered together.
- Estimate by using CONVENIENT NUMBERS (when dividing): Use a value close to the original number that can more easily be divided to get an estimate.
II. Types of Estimates
- Underestimating: When the estimate is less than the exact number - happens when you turn the original number(s) into a smaller value.
- Overestimating: When the estimate is more than the exact number - happens when you turn the original number(s) into a larger value.
Here is Wikianswers
Practice what you learned about estimation at this site
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