Friday, January 15, 2010

11.2 Evaluate Expressions (p.260-263)

I. Evaluate means to solve or find a value
  1. The value of the expression will change, if the value of the variable changes
  2. Follow the order of operations as usual
  3. Replace any variables with values given before evaluating
  4. Combine like terms to make the expression simpler to solve (terms are seperated by addition or subtraction symbols

Thursday, January 14, 2010

11.1 Write Expressions (p.258-259)

11.1 Write Expressions
I. Use variables to represent unknown values
II. Operation key words
Addition: sum, increase, more than, plus
Subtraction: difference, decrease, less than, minus
Multiplication: Product, factors, times, multiplied by
Division: quotient, equally shared, divided by

III. Operations are only performed when evaluating, not when writing the expression